Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Light Shines in the Darkness

OPENING PRAYER. . .Loving God, Creator of all that is, here I am--today in this place that you have given me, with all the senses you have given me. Help me to use them to experience you on a deeper level. May I experience you all around me, open me to know more of your ways and know that your goodness surrounds me. Thank you for this time to be with you, to be still and to just listen. Amen

LISTEN:  Isaiah 60:18-19
18" Violence will no longer resound throughout your land,
    nor devastation or destruction within your borders.
You will call your walls Salvation,
    and your gates Praise.
19 The sun will no longer be your light by day,
    nor will the moon shine for illumination by night.[a]
The Lord will be your everlasting light;
    your God will be your glory."
CONSIDER: Sometimes when we read a passage of scripture we have to step back in time and think about how things were at that time. In the scripture from Isaiah we need to remember that walled cities were the best means of protection against bandits and thieves as well as the occasional marauding army. In our life, affliction, illnesses, tragedy and pain afflict us in a multitude of ways. The wall that protects us is our salvation and our praise to God helps the misery leave us. Our light and joy don't always come from nature or by our own hands. But the light of Christ illuminates the darkness that tends to creep into our souls from time to time.  The sun or the moon can't do it. A flip of the light switch won't do it. So what will? I think sitting down and calling to mind God's unfailing light in Jesus Christ as our own light helps to dissipate the gloom and darkness. . .the Gospel of John affirms this. . . "A light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it."
SO WHAT:  Our reflection time and meditation isn't a cure all for everything that you might experience. Sometimes the gloom and darkness (maybe even depression) comes from a chemical imbalance that needs medication to cure. (God made the medication available for us too) But think of your reflection upon the light of Christ as an ever present oasis, or walled city, that you go to as a respite from the burden you might be feeling. This Light, is a s near as your withdrawal to silence to pray.  Jesus gave us that example in the many times he withdrew from people to pray.  It was a time when he reconnected with the true source of light.
So, if you are weighed down with too much life, remember that there is a saving wall that surrounds you through Jesus Christ and bask for awhile everyday in the Light that conquers all darkness.
  • How often are you faced with gloom and darkness? What is it's source?
  • Sometimes there is too much "mental noise" going on in our heads to calm down enough to pray. Using a piece of paper, write down all those thoughts and then go to prayer.
  • What activities bring peace to your soul? What keeps you from them?

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