OPENING PRAYER. . .Loving God, Creator of all that is, here I am--today in this place that you have given me, with all the senses you have given me. Help me to use them to experience you on a deeper level. May I experience you all around me, open me to know more of your ways and know that your goodness surrounds me. Thank you for this time to be with you and to just listen. Amen
Some thoughts on this "Day-in-Between". . .the Disciples hidden away in the Upper Room; door locked for fear that the religious leaders would come after them now that Jesus was dead. They must have been afraid, confused, trying to make sense of it all, uncertain of what the future would hold.
It was the Sabbath, for the Jews, they were instructed to "Rest". . .the traditional way to experience the Sabbath for Jewish families. So do you suppose the Disciples continued and kept the Sabbath? Would they focus on God and truly reflect and take in all that had taken place during that week?
Maybe it was a time to "breathe". . . in the midst of their deep and profound grief. . .to draw together and draw strength from each other and their traditions. They had no idea what Sunday would bring.
So today for us is the "Day-in-Between". . . but maybe it's more than the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. . . perhaps it's the day that allows us the time and space to take it all in. To remember our experiences from our Good Friday services. To take at least a short period of time to ponder OUR relationship with God. . . OUR relationship with this Christ, who gave himself fully and completely for OUR sakes. . . to take the time to "breathe" and take it all in. . . in anticipation of celebrating HIS resurrection with friends and family tomorrow. May you take the time on this day.
(Thanks to Steve Conner for his post this morning about the "day-in-between")
PRAYER. . . Dear God, I've experienced so much this week. . .from Palm Sunday to the death of my Savior. Help me to take it all in. Help me to breathe in the depth of your love for me as you died upon that cross. Lead me to rest in that love today and to anticipate eternal life because of that love. Amen.
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