OPENING PRAYER. . .Loving God, Creator of all that is, here I am--today in this place that you have given me, with all the senses you have given me. Help me to use them to experience you on a deeper level. May I experience you all around me, open me to know more of your ways and know that your goodness surrounds me. Thank you for this time to be with you and to just listen. Amen
LISTEN. . . "Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
"The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” (John 4:13-15)
CONSIDER. . . .A couple of years ago, I spent 10 days in Thomas, Haiti. I absolutely fell in love with the children and the people of Haiti. Despite the devastation from the earthquake there was such a beauty in the people that touched me deeply. While I was there, we had to be very careful about the water that we drank. We could only drink the water that was provided for us. Of course, I was constantly thirsty. In fact, so thirsty that when I was offered fresh coconut juice, right from the coconut to drink, I gulped it down. I expected it to quench my deep thirst. Unfortunately, all it did was make me quite ill. . . and I was still thirsty.
The Samaritan woman had been searching, and her search had led to five different husbands, leaving her empty and bitter--that is, until the day she encountered Jesus at the well and received the water of eternal life. She left her water jar behind and ran back to her village to witness to her transforming encounter with Jesus.
SO WHAT. . . For what are you thirsting? Where do you quench your thirst? Are you drawn to certain wells? There are many wells out there, but they often make us more thirsty or even addicted. These are wells of superficial pleasures and quick fixes that satisfy only for a moment and leave us thirsting for more.
When you are tired and discouraged, be refreshed and strengthened by the Word of Christ. Allow yourself to be fed by his body and blood so you might go forth and tell of Christ's saving love!
PRAYER. . . Dear God, help me to turn to you when I am in need of emotional or spiritual refreshment. Direct me toward the well filled with the water of eternal life and not to the wells that leave me thirsting for more. Help me to bring others to the well. Amen.
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